The Coloring Book Creator Podcast

053: People Can’t Buy What They Don’t Know Exists

June 25, 2024 Rodney Washington Season 2 Episode 53

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In this episode, we delve into a fundamental yet often overlooked aspect of online entrepreneurship: ensuring that potential customers know about your products.

Especially for creatives, talking about and promoting our work can feel daunting, but it's crucial for achieving the sales and success we desire. Join us as we explore why staying top of mind is essential and how to effectively engage your audience without feeling spammy.

Five Key Takeaways From This Episode:

1. Visibility is Crucial:
   - People can't buy what they don't know exists. To capture attention, you must consistently promote your work so that it stays top of mind for potential customers.
2. Content Creation Strategies:
   - Content doesn't always have to be about direct selling. It should inspire and engage your audience, making them feel connected to your work without feeling like they are being sold to constantly.
3. Consistent Engagement:
   - Post regularly on social media to ensure your audience sees your content. Posting once or twice is not enough. Frequent posting increases the chances of your content being seen by a larger portion of your audience.
4. Interactive Content Ideas:
   - Share different aspects of your book, like a page or an inspirational quote. Use various formats such as videos, reels, written posts, and images to keep your content fresh and engaging.
5. Overcome Perfectionism:
   - Focus on consistency over perfection. Don’t let worries about your appearance or production quality prevent you from creating content. Your audience cares more about the value and authenticity of your content than its perfection.

Additional Insights:
- Develop a content creation habit by posting daily for 30 days. This will provide valuable data on what types of content resonate with your audience and help you refine your strategy.

- Use engagement strategies like calls to action to build an email list and create a community around your work.

- If you're developing a book, share your journey and involve your audience in the process. This builds interest and anticipation before your book is even published.

**Join the 30-Day Content Challenge:**
I'm inviting you to participate in a 30-day content creation challenge. Join our Facebook group, the Coloring Book Creator Club, where I’ll be sharing tips and strategies to help you develop a consistent content creation habit.

**Connect with Us:**
- Join the Coloring Book Creator Club Facebook Group
- Book a 30-minute Strategy Call with Rodney (Please Note: A $20 deposit is required to confirm your session, it is refundable if we find we're not a fit to work together otherwise the fee can be applied to any of my paid programs)

Until the next episode stay creative and keep engaging with your audience.

Remember, people can’t buy what they don’t know exists! 

Tune in next week for more insights and strategies on The Coloring Book Creator Podcast.