The Coloring Book Creator Podcast

043: Do You Have A Vision For Your Creative Business In 2024? And Why You Need One

January 07, 2024 Rodney Washington Season 2 Episode 44

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A new year is upon us and like so many people do at this time make resolutions that typically are forgotten about before the end of the month if not within the first week or two of the new year and that’s why I don’t bother making them

Instead, I prefer to focus on something bigger something that will remind me every time I think about it (even in the struggle) why I’m doing what I’m doing.

It's called a vision

When you have a vision that’s so perfectly tailored to you and your soul's desires you can’t help but do something to make it a reality, especially on those days when you don’t feel like getting out of bed and you’re ready to throw in the towel

Vision is inspiration in its truest sense 

Vision is big picture thinking that impacts the totality of your life not just one area in other words you’re not just setting intentions for one but all areas of your life.

If you don’t have a vision or you don’t know how to create one then I invite you to join me in my private Facebook group and or on YouTube for Vision Week where I’ll be deep diving into several key areas and breaking down why it’s crucial to our emotional, financial and physical health to have a vision and how to get started creating one that’s truly aligned with who you are and how you want to live.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Join us for Vision Week Inside The Coloring Book Club Facebook Group and/or on YouTube

I’m hosting called a virtual live 3-Day Event
Crafting Your Creative Future: A Visionary Retreat & Roadmap for Creative Entrepreneurs  Retreat + Live Coaching - Encore Experience Happening - February 7th, 8th and 9th

That experience will include live coaching,  

✨ The 3-Day Retreat with lifetime access to all recordings

✨ Physical and digital copies of the 2024 Vision Journal and Biz Planner

✨ Live coaching to fine-tune your next profitable book project

✨ A personality and income-aligned quiz to pinpoint YOUR perfect idea

✨ PLUS a $97 coupon code to level up to any of my advanced programs

If you’d like to know more about the live retreat experience happening January 17 through the 19th shoot me a text at 415-851-1222 and in your text say retreat and I’ll respond within 24 hours  or messenger me on Facebook